Monday, May 13, 2013

Youth in Action (Day 2)

Here in Vidrike, Estonia everything is getting better and better. Participants are getting to know eachother
better and started to be more open and talkative.  In the morning, after breakfast we had some entertaining  and funny icebreakers. After that we started to play a game in which we had to find differences and similarities between formal, non-formal and informal learning. After that we could develop our idea in teams and share personally our experience and competences. 
After lunch we started a really interesting activity. We had to answer questions about’’ youth in action’’ programme separated  in groups  which we were getting points for each correct answer and the group with most ponts won . When we finnished the game it was already lunch time. After we ate and enjoyed the break we started to have non-formal learning activities.
Around 7 pm, everyone started to be nervous because until the International evening we had 2 more hours and we had to prepare dances and traditional food and drinks.
The International evening is the activity during which each group presents their country traditions, dances and food or drinks. The evening was very nice and all the participants did a great job and had e great time. When every group finnished presenting their countries  the dancing party started.
The night finnished when everyone got tired and went to sleep.
In conclusion it was a great day in which all the participants gained knowledge and had a great time.


By Toni, Carmen, Triin & Raimonda

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